Bug Reports

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  • #202


    Please can you report here any bugs that you have found in the game.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by 8bit-Dude.


    1. In BW mode, I cannot see chat words in the upper part of screen.

    2. In BW mode, at the end of the race, cars tyres are not visible because they have the same color of background panel.

    3. I would remove Q (quit).

    4. It is necessary to disable Basic (pressing Option key); it would be better if the program disables it.



    1. With “remove Q (quit)”, I mean remove Quit from title screen, not game.

    2. Not only in BW mode, but even in color mode, cars tyres are not visible at the end of the race because they have the same color of background pane.

    3. When a new track is loaded, sometimes for a second you see previous track missing some colors or grey shades messed; disable screen before loading.

    4. In title screen I would default with 5 laps and P2 CPU Hard (mode used setup me thinks).

    5. When the race is finished, you continue to hear accelerated engine noise.

    6. It would be nice to start the race pressing red button (besides 1 key).

    7. When the race is finished, it would be nice to offer the option to race on the same track again.



    Thanks for the bug reports and suggestions Phil, really appreciate it!




    Joystick port one and two are interchanged

    Q should go bsck to the main menu

    Lapcounter seem not to work



    Ah yes, I need to swap the joysticks!

    Q does go back to main menu.

    As for lap counter, race can only start when two players are on the server.



    Sometimes it went back to Basic by hitting Q ..Cant force it yet..
    Strong GFX bug on Vice64 for Linux

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    Would it not better to use standard Kernal load $FFD5 to benefit from fastloaders? Action Replay etc…



    Great online experience!

    1. In local mode, it would be nice to show cars positions at the end of the race (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th). Perhaps in Online mode too.

    2. In RGB mode, in the lower part of screen, “P4” is grey, not yellow as car.

    3. In BW mode, I cannot see who writes in the chat.

    4. Cars start position should be random.

    5. In Rally map red and yellow cars starts on the border of the road thus are slower.

    6. Remove final screen when the race is ended without playing a race.

    7. Reset screensaver timer when stick is moved (by default Atari cycles colors if for 7 or 9 minutes no key is pressed)

    8. I’ve seen that in local mode, 3 computer cars can play. Perhaps in the start screen by default P1 should have Joy 1 selected and other players should have CPUs selected. I think it would be the most used mode.

    9. Perhaps engine sound when car don’t move should be lower.



    Thanks for all the good suggestions Phil.
    I will try my best to address most of them.



    Still not work with Vice for Linux



    Sorry but I don’t have time to debug VICE for Linux.
    AFTER the game gets released, please contact the VICE dev and let them know of the issue.



    1. When a new track is loaded, for a second you see track missing some colors or grey shades messed; disable screen before loading.

    2. Reset screensaver timer when stick is moved (memory location 77, by default Atari cycles colors if for 9 minutes no key is pressed). It’s not a big problem, usually races don’t last 9 minutes and Atari color cycle is a nice feature introduced in 1979 by Atari 800.

    3. In warmup message, write “1-Race, 3-Next map, Q-Quit” (add “Q-Quit”).

    4. In online mode, 2 lines of characters appears when trying to enter a full server.

    5. There must be a bug in Island track, today a player made 2 laps moving on the center grass.

    6. When loading the game, some character appears on screen.

    7. I don’t like very much title screen left part graphics (especially the face and game’s title, not very clear); in color mode it is not very good, in BW it’s worse. I think a bigger game logo and a simple helmet would be better.

    8. I changed my mind. Perhaps in title screen P2, P3, P4 should be “none” by default because it’s easy to add CPUs pressing 2, 3 or 4 keys.



    As always, thanks for the list Phil!
    I managed to fix the “ghost” tires bug tonight, it took some effort.
    I also fixed all server bugs, next I will go down through your list.




    – the standard Joystick Port is Port #2 . in Local Mode you can choose between Port 1 and 2 – in Network mode the Port is fixed to 1.. Should be selectable or fixed to Port 2

    – when the race begins,and you drive over the yellow line for the first time,the lapcounter increase. Should be Zero

    – . Why not use $FFD5 to load the map

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